Kamis, 15 September 2011

Film terbaru Emma Watson

Emma Watson In 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower'


With just about a month before the final chapter of "Harry Potter" -- the grand magic book-to-film series that launched her star -- is released to the world, Emma Watson is already working to turn the page to new adventures in her career. Enter another big screen book adaptation: "The Perks of Being a Wallflower."
Watson plays Samantha, the outcast hard-partying senior girl who Charlie, played by Logan Lerman, falls in love with. Photography has already begun on the film, which is being directed by the book's author, Stephen Chbosky. Hanging out on set, Lerman went on a photo tweeting spree, which included posting the photo below, which he captioned, "The worlds foremost authority on style-miss emma watson!"
For Watson, the film comes during a hiatus of her foray into academia, the result of her finally realizing -- and accepting -- the fact that she is indeed a world famous movie star.
"I wanted to pretend I wasn't as famous as I was," she said last weekend in the Sunday Times Style Magazine. I was trying to seek out normality, but I kind of have to accept who I am, the position I'm in and what happened."
Indeed she's correct -- and it's all thanks to that very first "Harry Potter" screen test.


Dengan hanya sekitar sebulan sebelum bab terakhir dari "Harry Potter" - keajaiban seri buku-untuk-film besar yang diluncurkan nya bintang - dilepaskan ke dunia, Emma Watson sudah bekerja untuk mengubah halaman untuk petualangan baru di karirnya. Masukkan buku lain adaptasi layar besar: ". The Perks Menjadi gadis yg duduk tanpa berdansa sebuah"

Watson memainkan Samantha, buangan keras berpesta gadis senior yang Charlie, diperankan oleh Logan Lerman, jatuh cinta dengan. Fotografi telah dimulai pada film, yang sedang diarahkan oleh penulis buku ini, Stephen Chbosky. Nongkrong di set, Lerman pergi ke sebuah foya tweeting foto, yang termasuk posting foto di bawah ini, yang judul, "The otoritas terkemuka dunia pada gaya-miss emma watson!"

Untuk Watson, film ini datang selama absen dari terjun ke dalam akademisi, hasil akhirnya dia menyadari - dan menerima - fakta bahwa dia memang seorang bintang film terkenal di dunia.

"Aku ingin berpura-pura tidak begitu terkenal seperti aku," katanya akhir pekan lalu di majalah Sunday Times Gaya. Aku berusaha untuk mencari normal, tapi aku agak harus menerima siapa saya, posisi saya dan apa yang terjadi. "

Memang dia benar - dan itu semua berkat bahwa tes pertama "Harry Potter" layar


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